Follow the Brown Rabbit...: visibility cloak

Follow the Brown Rabbit...

In stories we've heard and seen, some followed a White Rabbit that led them to adventure. This time however,you've followed a BROWN one named Padawan. Pada lived in our house,hopped on tiled floor,ate under the table,urinated&defecated by the door leading outside,and outlived 11 others.
I name this Blog after him.The brown rabbit who shared the same skin color as his surrogate family.Resilient&adaptive.Adventurous in his own rabbit way. October 2002 - April 2007

Friday, July 28, 2006

visibility cloak

I'm done with my exams for this week and I'm starting with a research project this afternoon. In between those, I just want to proclaim that you'll be seeing more of me for the next few days because I'm back!

Looking at the dates of my entries, one wouldn't be able to tell that I've been a bit busy. But if you try to read the past few entries closely, you'd see that I didn't have much time to write. I used pictures instead and just a few announcements of stuff. Well, I didn't really have much time to write because I've been writing other things but there will be enough time for you to see those next month. And to those who are used to my comments in their sites, I'm sorry if I've not been visiting for the past week or so. I'm ready to flood your blogs and sites now. :p

So what have I been up to? I will not go into the nitty gritty details of my loooong exams. I've learned to just let them be. Let's go to the fun stuff!

I had to cut class last week and attend a pre-production meeting for Caltex in Makati. But of course I attended a make-up class the next day. (Yes, Miss Joyce Marzan was partly right when she said I was OC. Sometimes I rly am.)

The event was last Saturday in Tiendesitas where I hosted and had a blast working with newfound friends. One of the new bands there was called H20. It was an RnB and Hiphop band and they were really really GOOD! It's difficult to play RnB songs for bands without sounding bad or pilit but H20 not just pulled it off, they ROCKED! (huh? RnB ba or rock? :p you know what I mean!) I loved their rendition of "I love rock and roll....tinentinentinen baby, I love rock and roll". Even "Crossroads" which is a difficult song was performed beautifully.

Anyway, here's a shot that Franco took from a corner somewhere.

Some of the band members were preparing while I was killing time for them, haha. And by the way, one of H20's vocalists looked like Jay-R. ;-) Too bad I didn't have photos of the whole band. The two vocalists entered somewhere in the middle of the gig. Oh, and they all danced hiphop too! Now you see I why I love this band?

Anyway, I had a great time hosting the event with all the game 200++ bikers! Franco, Vic, Ruffa, Ling, and Marco were there too :)

But going further back in time, Jas celebrated her 24th birthday.

I missed JohnB and Coco. Coco looked great even with her sprained ankle.
I missed Joao and Jas. Happy birthday, Jasmine! :)
Franco and I went there straight from the airport.

Uh oh.


I have to go now but I'll write something more substantial as soon as I can :)

A friend of mine texted this morning. She said TGIF. Wow. :) It IS Friday!
Have a great weekend everyone!

Blogger Dorothy said...

Next time you have another hosting gig, lemme know! Will try pass by and cheer you on! :O)

July 28, 2006 9:36 PM  
Blogger ~LALA said...

I will dear, thanks! when will you have your vacation? As of today, I have one in September :)

July 29, 2006 11:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey lala!

i hope you had a great weekend. oh yes, it will be great to watch you host sometime.

keep it up! :)

July 31, 2006 11:33 AM  
Blogger ~LALA said...

thank you, tien :) I had a fun and great weekend! I hope you did too! thanksmuch, I'll update you next time when there's something that I think you'd find interesting to watch, TC!

July 31, 2006 10:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi lala.. im actually one of your silent readers.. i just find you cute and cool.. and your hosting...its great! is it just ok if ill add you to my links..?

by the way i came along your blog through ala's..

ill wait for your rep.


August 02, 2006 5:38 PM  
Blogger ~LALA said...

hi sherlyn!
Wow, I didn't know I had silent readers :) Thanks so much! I rly appreciate it that you decided to voice out what you thought about my blog. thanks for all the kind words! Sure, feel free to add me in your links!
thanks again, TC!

August 02, 2006 10:04 PM  

Piso for your thoughts!

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