Follow the Brown Rabbit...: Happy 1st Anniversary, Padawan!

Follow the Brown Rabbit...

In stories we've heard and seen, some followed a White Rabbit that led them to adventure. This time however,you've followed a BROWN one named Padawan. Pada lived in our house,hopped on tiled floor,ate under the table,urinated&defecated by the door leading outside,and outlived 11 others.
I name this Blog after him.The brown rabbit who shared the same skin color as his surrogate family.Resilient&adaptive.Adventurous in his own rabbit way. October 2002 - April 2007

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Happy 1st Anniversary, Padawan!

I'm in another transition period, questioning myself about things that I've been doing, things that I am about to do, and a LOAD of other things that I still want to do! I've been discussing plans with my family and close friends for the past week or so. I just have simple and small plans at the moment but I think they'll be blooming in time. Watch out, Big World!

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With research and papers piling up (plus a take-home exam in tow), I find sanctuary in my blog (even just for a few minutes please, I deserve this!). Today is the first day of March and although I wanted to write an entry exactly in between February 28 and March 1 to mark my blog's birthday, my schedule yesterday did not permit me to do so.

Anyhow, my title says it all... :)

To those who have been visiting my blog for quite a time, you would have noticed the reason behind the name. Padawan (our pet rabbit) is still very much alive, hopping around our house, sniffing almost everything in sight, and sometimes humping (uh-huh) visitors' legs. (Bad, Pada! ;-p)

There are lots of rabbits out in the world. Let's just attribute this to the fact that they cohabitate, engage in sex (a lot), and in turn reproduce lots of offsprings. Those in the wild live in the... wilderness. The domesticated ones find themselves caged for almost their entire lives. But a few lucky domesticated ones are given the freedom to run around.

I made some corrections in my blog as I have misused the term hare before. For the record, Padawan is a rabbit (not a hare). Kindly read the writings at my sidebar because I've updated my answer to the questions "Why?". Despite these changes, one thing remains. My blog will forever be named after our pet rabbit who has oftentimes been adorable, other times annoying (especially when you want to eat peacefully and he keeps on scratching your leg for food), but most of the time comforting.

I remember one afternoon when I was particularly sad and Padawan was still a baby rabbit then. He just hopped on my lap and kept me company. Priceless.

And then of course there were the memories of him almost dying but miraculously surviving. My sisters and I were watching him, helpless with a leg sprain, until he moved upon sniffing a banana. Unforgettable.

Rabbits actually love a lot of things and not just carrots as Bugs Bunny and the people behind Looney Toons made us think when we were kids. Aside from carrots, they love bananas, anything leafy, but they're not fan of citrus fruits.

As for Padawan, he also likes peanuts (like Franco), chocolates (like me), and oatmeal (like my dad). But of course he has to stick to a healthier diet so we don't let him eat everything that we eat. FYI: He got a taste of chocolate by accident. (Didn't we get the first taste of chocolate by chance as well? And look how many of us are now chocoholics!)

I know that we are taught not to attribute "thinking capacity" to animals. But really, sometimes I wonder if they do "think"... How big is the world for such a small rabbit? How many are the possibilities? Each day, they get to discover something new and you'd see how amused they are with each of these things. A man's trash may be an animal's treasure ;)... A ball of yarn. An old assignment. A newspaper spread. A basket of flowers. A wrapper of Chocnut. A wad of tissue paper. And the list goes on...

With all these small things that comprise their world, it's probably one enormous PLAYGROUND out there for them. How FUN life must be then.

As I often say, we learn a lot from those around us. Sometimes we learn from young people. Oftentimes we learn from the old. And sometimes, amazingly, we learn from animals. :)

Let us keep walking and exploring, people!

Happy Anniversary, Pads!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

happy first birthday, lala's blog!

thanks for sharing a little of your self with us!

more love & blessings!


March 02, 2007 9:34 PM  
Blogger ~LALA said...

Tien, yes I think we did leave our messages simultaneously last night ;)
Thank you so much, dear!

March 03, 2007 3:35 PM  

Piso for your thoughts!

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