Follow the Brown Rabbit...: Vacation Leave

Follow the Brown Rabbit...

In stories we've heard and seen, some followed a White Rabbit that led them to adventure. This time however,you've followed a BROWN one named Padawan. Pada lived in our house,hopped on tiled floor,ate under the table,urinated&defecated by the door leading outside,and outlived 11 others.
I name this Blog after him.The brown rabbit who shared the same skin color as his surrogate family.Resilient&adaptive.Adventurous in his own rabbit way. October 2002 - April 2007

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Vacation Leave

Remember my entry over the summer when I said that I was working like an ant? I said that I'll celebrate when the rainy days are here.

THIS IS IT. The rainy days are finally here! :)

I'm going to escape the rain for a few days and say HELLO AGAIN to SUNSHINE!!!

It will be a short, historical, and memorable trip. And it will probably be one of the most amazing adventures I could experience this year. :)

I finished my worksheets and lesson plans for the preschool. I also submitted a draft of ideas to my thesis adviser earlier. I fixed everything else that I have to do and placed a halt to some things in Manila. I'm making way for this vacation, baby!

I couldn't get 100% excited before because there were several uncertainties. But now that I am certain about the trip, I couldn't keep the excitement to myself!!! WHOOPEEEE! I feel like a child again. :) :) :)

I promise to post LOTS and LOTS and LOTS of photos! I even deleted all the photos in my camera for this. That's a FIRST!

Til next week... OPA! :D

Blogger Dorothy said...

Good for you dear! Can't wait to hear about your adventures! ... :O) ... Geez. I hope I get to go on a vacation too.... haaaay....

June 27, 2007 7:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dear lala,

i am excited for you! give me a heads-up as soon as you post your stories and photos!

take care!


June 27, 2007 4:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey lala!!!

wow...where are you off to this time??? =) hope you'll have a blast. i am back in manila for a bit, fixing my papers for germany. please keep praying for me still.

let me know when you're back and we should hook up! zips??? hahaha.

big hugs,

June 30, 2007 9:52 PM  
Blogger ~LALA said...

Hello ladies! :) I'm baaaaack! My next post will tell you more about my "vacation leave". Thanks for dropping by! Mmwah and HUGS!

July 08, 2007 2:37 PM  

Piso for your thoughts!

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