Follow the Brown Rabbit...: Busride

Follow the Brown Rabbit...

In stories we've heard and seen, some followed a White Rabbit that led them to adventure. This time however,you've followed a BROWN one named Padawan. Pada lived in our house,hopped on tiled floor,ate under the table,urinated&defecated by the door leading outside,and outlived 11 others.
I name this Blog after him.The brown rabbit who shared the same skin color as his surrogate family.Resilient&adaptive.Adventurous in his own rabbit way. October 2002 - April 2007

Friday, December 14, 2007


I grew up riding the schoolbus. Thanks to those mornings of reading books on the way to school, I think I understand how my poor eyesight came to be.

But aside from acquiring poor eyesight, I learned so many lessons by just being a bus rider. Imagine, 11 years of my life have been spent riding the schoolbus where I quietly observed the real world and interacted with other students from different grade levels. I have witnessed bullying (yes even in all-girls school, bullying occurs). I have witnessed road accidents. I have witnessed floods and getting our giant bus go past those floods. I've watched my very artistic friend, Jamie Borja, make all her creations while the bus moved, in awe how she kept her strokes precise despite our being in a moving bus. I've experienced finding friends who I have kept all these years. Most of us still live in the same neighborhood while one already moved away. But still, when we see each other, our being "busmates" still connect us. A schoolbus is like a whole new different school. I can actually write an entire book of busride anecdotes if I wanted to. ;-)

I haven't ridden a bus for so long except for field trips in college or that adventure trip we had in Cebu. And to think I used to ride the bus five times a week for 11 straight years. Busrides and I are tightly-knit. Somehow, we just jive.

The following photos were taken from my most recent busride. They're not the usual "clear, colorful, and crisp" images that I like. They are actually sort of pale and I LOVE them.

I think their being blurred is part of their charm. ;-)
We were waiting for our turn to enter the hangar of a local airline. And I was with the most active kids you could imagine. We were in constant motion inside a parked bus.


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

I'm with these kids five times a week. But today, we're all resting to get ready for tomorrow's Christmas play. We'll be needing that line -- "break a leg!"

Updates to follow next week.

Thanks for the pics, Laosher Lita. :)

Blogger nina said...

ei lala, u really blend with your preschool kids. i actually thought that you were just one of them. hihi! *stay pretty.. happy holidays!

December 16, 2007 12:07 AM  
Blogger ~LALA said...

Hi nina! haha!

Happy holidays! :-)

December 17, 2007 11:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello lala!

last day of *kiddie* work yesterday for me. hope you're having a great day!



December 20, 2007 12:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

May the SPIRIT of Christmas bring you PEACE.

May the GLADNESS of Christmas give you HOPE.

May the WARMTH of Christmas grant you LOVE.



December 22, 2007 9:26 AM  
Blogger Carina said...

have a blessed new year lala! :D God bless!

December 28, 2007 3:03 PM  

Piso for your thoughts!

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